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The China-related Lies and Facts about the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic
2020-05-13 17:29

Recently, some politicians and media in the United States have made up all kinds of unbelievable lies in order to divert the domestic response to the new coronary pneumonia epidemic.

But, as Lincoln said: "You can deceive some people at all times, or you can deceive all people for a period of time, but you cannot deceive all people at all times."

Lies stop at the truth, and we speak with facts.

In the future, as long as new lies appear, we will continue to tell the world the truth.

Myth 1: The new Pneumococcal pneumonia virus is "Chinese virus" or "Wuhan virus".

The truth: WHO stipulates that virus naming should not be linked to specific countries or localities.

◆ Based on a profound reflection on the lessons learned from the naming of epidemic diseases in history, especially the huge negative impact of the naming of the "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome" in 2012, May 8, 2015, WHO, OIE and the United Nations FAO jointly developed the "Principle of Best Practices for Virus Naming", which clearly stipulates that geographic location, personal names, animals or food populations should be avoided in disease names, involving culture, population, industry or occupation (such as legions) and those that can incite excessive panic. the term.


◆ According to the 2015 virus naming guidelines and world public health practice, WHO announced on February 11, 2020 that the new coronavirus-infected pneumonia will be officially named "2019 coronavirus disease" (COVID-19).


◆ The British "Nature" journal issued three editorials in April, apologizing for erroneously linking the new coronavirus with Wuhan and China, and calling for an immediate end to the stigmatization of the new coronavirus to avoid irresponsible behaviors that associate the virus with specific locations .


◆ New York Times, ABC, BBC and other mainstream Western media reported that Asian Americans faced serious xenophobia and were repeatedly harassed and attacked by racial discrimination due to the improper association of Asian groups with New Crown Virus.

Lie 2: Wuhan is the source of the virus.

The truth: Wuhan first reported that the epidemic was not the source of the virus. The source of the new coronavirus has not yet been determined. Virus tracing is a serious scientific problem, and it must be based on science and studied by scientists and medical experts.

◆ The place where the original case was reported in history is often not the source of the virus. For example, the case of HIV infection was initially reported by the United States, but the origin may not be the United States; more and more evidence shows that the Spanish flu did not actually start in Spain.

◆ Virus tracing is a scientific issue, and its main purpose is to prevent the recurrence of similar epidemics from harming human society. At present, scientists from all over the world are conducting research on the source of the virus, and have put forward many academic views on the source of the new coronavirus. Chinese scientists are also seriously carrying out relevant research to provide a scientific basis for finding the origin of the new coronavirus as soon as possible and doing targeted prevention and control.

◆ On January 24, the authoritative British medical journal "The Lancet" published Cao Bin, director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Huang Zhaolin, deputy director and chief physician of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, and Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Beijing Ditan Hospital Professor Li Xingwang, Professor Ren Lili of the Institute of Pathogenic Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Zhao Jianping, director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Wuhan Tongji Hospital as co-authors. The study retrospectively analyzed the first batch of 41 confirmed cases of new coronavirus infections admitted to Wuhan from December 16, 2019 to January 2, 2020. The results showed that of the first 41 confirmed cases, 27 had been to the South China Seafood Market and 14 had no history of exposure to the South China Seafood Market. The onset date of the first confirmed patient was December 1, 2019, and none of his family members showed fever or any respiratory symptoms. The patient had no history of exposure to the South China seafood market, and no epidemiological links were found between subsequent cases.

◆ Viruses are the common enemy of all mankind and may appear at any time and any place. The epidemic is a natural disaster, not a human disaster. The origin of the virus and the epidemic is also the victim, not the perpetrator. It is unfair and unacceptable to blame and blame.

◆ On May 1, Michael Ryan, WHO health emergency project leader, said that the investigation of the source of the virus needs to be "science-centered" and let scientists lead. WHO has not received any data or specific evidence from the US government regarding the origin of the new coronavirus.


◆ Mayor Michael Melham of Belleville, New Jersey, USA said he had been infected with the new coronavirus in November 2019, and the test results also showed that he already possessed antibodies to the new coronavirus, which was the first new crown reported on January 20 in the United States. The confirmed cases of the virus were more than 2 months earlier.


◆ On May 6, "USA Today" reported that 171 patients with New Coronary Pneumonia in Florida, USA had related symptoms as early as January of this year, and no one had any travel experience in China, which was more than the first official report of New Coronary Pneumonia in the state. The case appeared several months earlier.


◆ On May 3, the medical journal International Journal of Antibacterial Agents published a paper titled "New Coronavirus has been circulating in France at the end of December 2019". The researchers selected 14 cases of influenza disease (ILI) intensive care unit from December 2, 2019 to January 16, 2020, and re-tested the new coronavirus nucleic acid from April 6 to 9, and found a 42-year-old man. Of samples were positive. The case is not related to China, and there is no history of foreign travel before the onset, indicating that the new coronavirus has spread in France at the end of December 2019.


Lie 3: The new crown virus is made by Wuhan Virus Research Institute.

Fact: All the existing evidence shows that the new coronavirus originates from nature rather than artificially.

◆ On January 30, the British authoritative medical journal "The Lancet" published an article by a research team from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It was pointed out that the conclusion was drawn through re-genetic analysis of 10 2019-nCoV genome sequences of 9 diagnosed patients in Wuhan, China. Neocoronavirus is a new type of human infectious coronavirus. Compared with SARS coronavirus and MERS coronavirus, the new coronavirus is closely related to two bat-derived severe acute respiratory syndrome-like coronaviruses. This suggests that bats may be the original host of this virus.


◆ 27 internationally renowned medical experts from 8 different countries issued a joint statement on February 19 in The Lancet, stating that researchers from all over the world have analyzed the whole genome of the new coronavirus and published the results publicly. These results overwhelmingly prove that the virus, like many other new pathogens, comes from wild animals.


◆ Five well-known scholars from the United States, Britain and Australia wrote in "Nature-Medical" on March 17th that there is no evidence that the new coronavirus is made in the laboratory or designed in other ways.


◆ On March 26, Collins, president of the National Institutes of Health, published a blog post stating that the virus was naturally produced. The researchers found that the new coronavirus does not have the main structure of the virus used before, so it is not created by humans. It may be a combination of a bat virus and another pangolin-borne virus. Therefore, the new coronavirus is not a laboratory operation. product.


◆ Fradra Shayb, a WHO spokesman, told a press conference on April 21st that all the existing evidence indicated that the new coronavirus originated from animals, rather than being transformed or created from laboratories or other places. The virus is likely to gain momentum in bats, but how to spread it from bats to humans remains to be discovered.


◆ On April 30, the official website of the Office of the National Director of National Intelligence issued a statement saying that the US intelligence community agreed with the scientific community 's broad consensus that the new coronavirus is not artificial or genetically modified.


◆ On May 1, Michael Ryan, WHO health emergency project leader, said that many scientists have studied the gene sequence of the New Coronary Pneumonia virus and are convinced that the New Coronary Pneumonia virus comes from nature.


◆ Dr. Gao Li, the representative of the World Health Organization in China, said on May 5 that all the existing evidence so far shows that the virus originates from animals in nature and is not artificially manufactured or synthesized. Many researchers have studied the genomic characteristics of the virus and found that the evidence does not support the claim that the virus originated in the laboratory.


The French News Weekly "Modern Value" quoted French intelligence agencies as saying that it is absolutely certain that the new crown virus was not leaked from Wuhan P4 laboratory.

Lie 4: The outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia was caused by an accidental leak from Wuhan Virus Research Institute.

Fact: The P4 laboratory of the Wuhan Virus Research Institute is a Sino-French government cooperation project. The institute does not have the ability to design and manufacture new coronaviruses, and there is no evidence that the institute has experienced pathogen leaks or personnel infections.

◆ The P4 laboratory of Wuhan Virus Research Institute is a Sino-French government cooperation project. It strictly follows international standards from design, construction to management, and has strict protective facilities and measures. All laboratory personnel must pass the assessment to obtain qualifications. The first batch of experimental personnel was trained in P4 laboratories in France and the United States. Laboratory facilities and equipment are tested annually by a third-party organization recognized by the state, and can continue to operate only after acceptance.

◆ Wuhan Virus Research Institute has always insisted on the timely and open sharing of scientific research information, including data sharing, publishing papers, participating in conferences, and scientific communication. In the past year, Wuhan Virus Research Institute has received more than 70 foreign scholars from all over the world. As one of dozens of P4 laboratories of the same grade in operation around the world, Wuhan Virus Research Institute has always adhered to the international development, upholding the principles of openness and transparency to domestic and foreign countries, and actively and pragmatically cooperate and communicate with countries around the world. The information sharing platform "2019 New Crown Virus Information Database" set up by the Wuhan Virus Research Institute has so far been accessed more than 600,000 times and downloaded more than 21 million times.

◆ The high-level biosafety laboratory of Wuhan Virus Research Institute has been in a safe and stable operation state. On December 27, 2019, the Chinese local government received the epidemic report for the first time. Before receiving the first batch of test samples from patients with new coronary pneumonia on December 30, there was no new coronavirus in the laboratory of Wuhan Virus Research Institute. As of now, no one in the institute has contracted new coronary pneumonia.

◆ In mid-April, the French President's Office stated that there was no evidence to suggest that there was a relationship between the P4 laboratory of the Wuhan Virus Research Institute and the new coronary pneumonia epidemic.


◆ Recently, the National Public Radio posted on its website that according to the analysis report of many top virus researchers in the United States, it is almost impossible that the new coronavirus is caused by a laboratory accident from China or anywhere, but the same as other coronaviruses. Way to humanity.


◆ Dasak, president of the US Eco-Health Alliance and a virus expert who has been cooperating with the Wuhan Virus Research Institute for 15 years, said in an interview with CNN on April 26 that the Wuhan Virus Laboratory has not yet had a new cause of pneumonia The outbreak of the virus, we found only the close relatives of the virus, rather than its own, so it is impossible for the virus to originate from the Wuhan laboratory.


◆ The National Geographic magazine, published on May 4, published an interview with Fuch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, saying that Fuch said that the existing evidence showed that the new coronavirus did not come from a Chinese laboratory. By observing the evolution of the virus in the bat body and synthesizing the current situation, it is shown that the virus cannot be artificial or intentionally made. They are mutated in nature and then across species. Based on the above, he does not support the claim that the virus source came from nature but leaked from a Chinese laboratory.

https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/anthony-fauci-no-scientific-evidence-the-coronavirus-was-made-in-a-chinese-lab-cvd/?cmpid=org=ngp :: mc = social :: src = twitter :: cmp = editorial :: add = tw20200504science-faucicoronavirus :: rid = & sf233573268 = 1 # close

The British "Independent News" reported that the British Health Minister Hancock said in an interview with British Sky TV on May 6 that there is no evidence that this (new coronavirus) is an artificial coronavirus. We have not seen any evidence of this (virus and Wuhan laboratory) connection.


◆ On April 24, the National Institutes of Health announced the termination of the cooperative research project on the risks of bat coronaviruses carried out by the non-profit organization Ecological Health Alliance and the Wuhan Virus Research Institute, and all funds were recovered. Earlier, at a press conference on April 17, Trump requested the cancellation of all projects funded by the Wuhan Virus Research Institute on the grounds of virus "laboratory leaks." The National Institutes of Health made this only seven days later. A decision. This move has caused widespread doubt and criticism from the American scientific community. Gerald Kush, deputy director of the National Laboratory for New Infectious Diseases at Boston University, and Dennis Carroll, head of the Global Virus Genome Project, pointed out that this move set a terrible precedent and is the worst practice of political intervention in science. The Lampe government hurts truly important scientific research for the sake of cheap political benefits.

Myth 5: China could have controlled the virus in Wuhan, but it allowed a large number of Chinese to take the opportunity to travel to Milan, New York and other places to spread the virus to the world.

The truth: China has adopted the strictest prevention and control measures in the shortest time, and has mainly controlled the epidemic in Wuhan. Statistics show that there are very few cases exported from China.

◆ The Chinese government has taken the most comprehensive, strict and thorough prevention and control measures in time to effectively cut off the virus transmission chain. "Science" magazine research estimates that the above measures have reduced China's infection by more than 700,000.

◆ On January 23, China temporarily closed the Departure Channel. From January 24 to April 8, Wuhan had no commercial flights and no trains left Han. It is impossible for Wuhan residents to travel overseas during this period.

◆ On January 23, when Wuhan was "closing the city", there was only one publicly confirmed case in the United States. When the United States closed the border to all Chinese citizens and foreigners who had been to China in the past 14 days on February 2, the official US statistics confirmed only 8 cases. When the United States declared a national emergency on March 13, the number of confirmed cases announced in the United States was 1,896. On April 8th, when China lifted its "closed city" measures to Wuhan, 400,000 confirmed cases were announced in the United States. At present, the number of confirmed cases published in the United States has exceeded 1.2 million, and the number of deaths has reached more than 70,000. The number of confirmed cases published in the United States ranged from 1 to 1 million people in less than 100 days.

◆ The Governor of New York State Como said that research from Northeastern University showed that the first new coronavirus strain in the state was not from China. The New York Times quoted American experts as research to confirm that the main source of the New York outbreak was not Asia.

◆ The epidemic statistics of several major provinces in Canada show that the virus was introduced into Canada by American travelers. A study by the Pasteur Institute in France found that the source of viral strains spread in France is unknown. None of the Russian import cases came from China. Australian Department of Health data show that the proportion of imported cases from Northeast Asia is extremely small. Singapore imported less than 1/10 of the cases imported from China. The National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Japan stated that the epidemic spread in Japan after March did not originate from China.

Lie 6: The Chinese eat bats and contract the new coronavirus.

The truth: Bats are never a Chinese food.

◆ The video of a Chinese female guide drinking bat soup circulating on the Internet was recorded in 2016 and uploaded to social media. The video was filmed on a small Pacific island where the tour guide and her team recorded a travel show and tried local bat soup.

◆ Bats are never a Chinese food. At the early stage of the epidemic, bats were not sold at the South China Seafood Market in Wuhan where viruses were found to spread.

Myth 7: China's reopening of the wildlife market should immediately close all "wet market".

Fact: The so-called "wild animal wet goods market" does not exist in China. China has legislation to ban illegal wildlife hunting and trading.

◆ China issued the Standing Committee of the National People 's Congress on February 24, 2020, "Decisions on the Comprehensive Prohibition of Illegal Wildlife Trade, the Elimination of Abuse of Wild Animals, and the Effective Protection of People 's Health and Safety. Purpose A system for hunting, trading, and transporting terrestrial wildlife. WWF appreciates the decision.


◆ It is illegal to sell wild animals in China. Once found, it will be banned and punished by law.

◆ There is no so-called "wild animal wet goods market" in China. In fact, there is no such thing as a "wet market" in China. People often talk about farmers' markets and live poultry and seafood markets. This kind of market sells fresh fish, meat, vegetables, seafood and other agricultural and sideline products. There are also a few markets that sell live poultry, which is not essentially different from the fish markets and fruit and vegetable markets in Western countries. This kind of market exists not only in China, but also in many countries, and is closely related to the lives of local people. International law does not restrict the establishment and operation of such markets. It is the above-mentioned traditional farmer's market that Wuhan reopened.

◆ Research shows that the new coronavirus has very low homology with the known livestock and poultry coronavirus. Based on the above scientific judgment and considering that the live poultry and seafood market is closely related to people's lives, China allows localities to open the live poultry and seafood trading market conditionally on the premise of ensuring good prevention and control. China attaches great importance to the issue of epidemic prevention. To ensure safety, relevant Chinese departments and local governments have adopted a series of very strict measures to strengthen the management of the live poultry and seafood market, compact local government responsibilities, market responsibilities and marketers 'responsibilities Implement a strict epidemic prevention system for the live poultry and seafood market. Relevant departments will also implement quarantine testing on live poultry and seafood in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law, and fully implement various animal epidemic prevention and control measures. Considering the epidemic prevention situation in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, the South China Seafood Market has not yet been opened.

Myth 8: China initially tried to cover up the epidemic, delaying the timing of its release, and causing the epidemic to spread.

The truth: The new coronary pneumonia epidemic is a sudden attack by unknown viruses on humans, and it takes a process to understand and master it. In an open, transparent, and responsible manner, China immediately released information to the outside world.

◆ On December 27, 2019, Dr. Zhang Jixian, director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of the Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in Hubei Province, reported the situation of the three cases of unexplained pneumonia patients he saw. This is the first report of suspicious cases by local authorities in China. On the same day, the Wuhan Center for Disease Control conducted an epidemiological investigation and testing of patients.

◆ On December 30, 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Commission issued the document "Emergency Notice on Reporting the Treatment of Unexplained Pneumonia" and "Emergency Notice on Doing Well the Treatment of Unexplained Pneumonia".

◆ On December 31, 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issued the "Circular on the Current Situation of Pneumonia in Our City". On the same day, China notified the WHO Representative Office in China of information on cases of unexplained pneumonia in Wuhan.

◆ On January 3, 2020, China began to report to the WHO, relevant countries including the United States and China 's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions timely and proactively. From January 3 to February 3, China notified the US 30 times of epidemic information and prevention and control measures.

◆ After the first public notification of the pneumonia epidemic on December 31, 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission completed the virus identification and sequencing on January 7, 2020, and shared relevant viral genes with the World Health Organization and other countries on January 11. Sequence information; on January 10, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other professional institutions initially developed a test kit, and stepped up the development of new coronavirus vaccines and effective drugs; on January 20, the new coronavirus-infected pneumonia was infected by the State Health The committee was included in the management of statutory infectious diseases; on January 24, the new direct report function of the new coronary pneumonia was officially launched.

◆ Compared with China 's response to the epidemic, from January 3, 2020, China notified the US of the epidemic information, and on March 13, the United States declared a national emergency. The US government spent 70 days. Even if the United States closed the border on February 2 to all Chinese citizens and foreigners who came to China in the past 14 days, by March 13 the United States spent 40 days.

◆ On May 1, the CDC website released the report written by the center 's chief deputy director Shu Shute and the "CDC Response to New Coronavirus Group", saying that the United States reported the first confirmed case on January 21, and the epidemic appeared It was controlled in February, but then quickly intensified. Factors such as continuous travel input, large-scale gatherings, the introduction of viruses into high-risk workplaces and densely populated areas, and the limited detection scale have led to recessive transmission and asymptomatic transmission, which has accelerated the spread of the US epidemic from February to March.

Myth 9: In order to conceal the epidemic information, China arrested Dr. Li Wenliang, the "whistleblower".

The truth: Dr. Li Wenliang is not a "whistleblower" and was not arrested.

◆ All countries have strict regulations on the confirmation of infectious diseases. This is a common practice.

◆ The Law of the People 's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases has strict approval procedures and regulations for the reporting, verification and release of infectious diseases.

◆ Respirator Zhang Jixian was the first person to report an epidemic case and was commended for it.

◆ On the afternoon of December 30, 2019 (3 ​​days after Dr. Zhang Jixian reported suspicious cases and the day before Wuhan issued the notification), ophthalmologist Li Wenliang forwarded the message on the WeChat group of his classmates that "7 SARS cases were confirmed", and please do not pass it on. The WeChat screenshot quickly spread on the Internet causing panic. On January 3, 2020, the Wuhan police asked him to go to the police station to talk, and asked him to stop spreading rumors in the form of an admonition. In mid-January, Dr. Li Wenliang unfortunately became infected and was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia on January 31. She died of illness on February 7 after rescue failed. On that day, the National Health and Welfare Committee publicly expressed its condolences for his death. The National Supervisory Commission decided to send an investigation team to Wuhan to investigate Dr. Li Wenliang. On March 19, the investigation team announced the conclusion of the investigation and held a press conference. On the same day, the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau notified the results of the handling, believed that the case of admonishing Li Wenliang was wrong in applying the law, and decided to revoke the admonishment.

◆ Li Wenliang is a good doctor and a member of the Communist Party of China, not a so-called "anti-system person". On March 5, he was awarded the title of "Advanced Individual in the Prevention and Control of New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic in the National Health System", and was assessed as a martyr on April 2. Labeling Dr. Li Wenliang as a "hero" or "awakening person" against the system is a great disrespect for Dr. Li and his family, and a very unethical political manipulation. On April 28, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the National Youth Federation jointly awarded the 24th "China Youth May Fourth Medal" to commend the outstanding typical and exemplary representatives of young people. Dr. Li Wenliang was posthumously awarded the "China Youth May Fourth Medal". The "Independent Media Research Institute" investigated in detail how the media unfairly reported on Dr. Li Wenliang 's ins and outs, arguing that it was not logical for Western media to describe Dr. Li Wenliang 's situation as the Chinese government concealing evidence of the epidemic.


Myth 10: China is providing information about virus-to-human transmissions too late, which has led to insufficient understanding of the speed and lethality of viral infections in the United States and the world, and failed to make early decisions.

Fact: The information sent by China and WHO is timely and strong, and the US has always been aware of the harmfulness of the virus.

◆ Determining that a new type of virus can be passed from person to person requires a scientific and strict demonstration procedure. On January 9th, the Chinese expert team confirmed through the media that the pathogen of the case was initially determined to be a new coronavirus. On January 20, the high-level expert group of the National Health and Health Commission informed the media that the new crown virus can be passed from person to person. No confirmed cases were reported in the United States that day. On January 23, Wuhan's "closing city" with a population of 12 million sent a strong warning message to the world in a shocking manner. Only one case was reported in the United States that day.

◆ On January 22, the WHO website warned that the new Pneumococcal pneumonia virus may present a human-to-human risk. On the 27th, WHO changed the global risk of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic from medium to high, indicating that the epidemic poses a very high risk to China and a high risk to the region. On January 30, the WHO Emergency Committee convened a meeting and announced that the epidemic constituted an international public health emergency.

◆ The United States was the first country to evacuate its consulates from Wuhan and the first country to declare comprehensive restrictions on the entry of Chinese citizens: The United States announced on January 25 that it would close its consulate in Wuhan and evacuate its personnel. On February 2, the United States closed its borders to all Chinese citizens and foreigners who came to China in the past 14 days. There were only 8 public cases in the United States that day.

◆ It was not until early March that the US government seriously recognized the danger and severity of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic in the United States.

◆ Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University in the United States and a famous American economist, published a critical article criticizing the US government's unfounded and unreasonable logic about China's pandemic on the epidemic and causing serious consequences. He believes that the US government's view of China as the source of the US problem is the reappearance of McCarthyism, which is a big lie.


◆ Taiwan authorities said that Taiwan 's epidemic prevention department had sent a "warning" new crown virus "human-to-human" to WHO at the end of December 2019, but WHO did not disclose this information to the world. On May 4, WHO Health Emergency project leader Michael Ryan said that the e-mail sent to WHO on December 31, 2019 was not a warning, but asked WHO to provide more information on atypical pneumonia reported by the media. I don't understand why this story is still circulating.


Myth 11: China 's data is opaque, with fewer diagnoses and fatalities, and the true number is at least 50 times higher.

The truth: China 's data is completely open and transparent, and it can stand the test of history.

◆ On January 21, the Chinese National Health and Health Commission began to publish the epidemic situation on the official website and the government's new media platform the day before. Starting on January 27, China organizes a daily press conference of the Joint Defense and Joint Control Mechanism of the State Council to release key epidemic information and respond to hot issues at home and abroad. At the national level and during the epidemic situation in various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, more than 3,000 press conferences were held. Government officials, medical staff, experts and scholars, and patients who have recovered face the camera directly.


◆ Based on its own epidemic data, China comprehensively promotes resumption of production and production in the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and restores normal economic and social order. After 76 days of "closing the city" in Wuhan, "unblocking" itself fully explained the problem.

◆ The lower confirmed and fatal cases in China are attributed to the timely, comprehensive, strictest and most thorough prevention and control measures taken by the Chinese government, including measures to close the Lihan passage. According to the research report of the "Science" magazine, the above measures have reduced China's infection by more than 700,000.

◆ The Chinese government has always put people first, and saving every life is the top priority. It should be collected as much as possible and cured as much as possible to maximize the cure rate and reduce the mortality rate. All suspected cases and close contacts have been quarantined. These measures cut off the chain of infection, prevented the further spread of the outbreak, and achieved an overall lower infection data. Hubei Province alone has cured more than 3,600 patients over 80 years of age, including 7 centenarians.

◆ The Director General of the World Health Organization Tan Desai said in Geneva on the evening of January 22 that China timely shared information on the epidemic situation of the new coronavirus and took corresponding measures, showing a fairly high degree of transparency. In an interview with the US media in March, Bruce Elward, the head of the WHO expert group on China visits, said in response to the media's questioning of China's official data. I see no signs of data manipulation.

◆ On March 3, Bruce Elward, senior adviser to the WHO Director-General, said in an interview with US media VOX News that China had not concealed the data. He talked with many hospitals and doctors, and by comparing different data sources, he can confirm that the Chinese data is credible.


◆ The American and British economists Christopher Koch and Ken Okamura jointly published a paper on April 28. By studying the epidemic data in China, Italy and the United States, the real-time reported epidemic figures in China and the United States and Italy were found. Like the numbers, their distribution is in accordance with Benford 's law, and there is no possibility of the epidemic figures being manipulated.

◆ Yale University professor Christakis, one of the authors of the paper "Population Mobility Promoting New Crown Viruses in China" published in "Nature" magazine, tweeted on April 29 that the results of the paper confirmed the report of the number of cases in China Accuracy, because the information obtained from different sources (mobile communication shows population movement) can well predict the number of cases and meet epidemiological expectations.


◆ Golli, the WHO representative in China, said on May 5 that from January 3, WHO and China will discuss the severity of the epidemic, the dynamics of transmission, the possibility of continuous interpersonal transmission, the clinical course and the treatment effect, etc. The issue continued to be technically communicated, and the international community was notified in detail in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations.


Myth 12: The number of correct diagnoses and the number of fatalities in Wuhan City once again shows that China has covered up a large number of early cases.

The truth: Wuhan 's revised data conforms to internationally accepted practices, and it just proves that China is open, transparent and responsible.

◆ On April 17, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Law of the People 's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases", "Regulations on Emergency Response to Emergent Public Health Events", "Regulations on the Implementation of the Statistics Law of the People 's Republic of China" and "Regulations on the Registration and Management of Population Death Information (Trial)" A circular was issued to increase the number of confirmed cases by 325, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases was revised to 50333; to increase the number of confirmed cases by 1,290, the cumulative number of confirmed deaths to 3,869.

◆ Wuhan adheres to the principles of being responsible for history, for the people, and for the deceased, insisting on seeking truth from facts, and proactively revising the relevant data for four reasons: First, the surge of patients in the early stage of the epidemic has led to a shortage of medical resources and serious inadequate treatment capacity, and some The patient was not admitted to hospital and died at home. The second is that during the peak period of treatment, the hospital is overloaded and medical staff are busy with treatment. Objectively, there are late reports, missed reports and false positives. Third, due to the rapid increase of designated medical institutions for patients, there are ministries, provincial, municipal and district hospitals, as well as enterprises, private hospitals and square cabin hospitals. A few medical institutions fail to connect with the epidemic network in time.送 信息. Send information. Fourth, the registration of some death cases is incomplete, and there are cases of re-reporting and misreporting.

◆ In order to ensure the accuracy of the revised data, Wuhan City specially established a large data and epidemiological investigation team related to epidemic disease, making full use of the city 's epidemic prevention and control big data information system, the city funeral information system, the city 's new medical information system and City New Coronary Pneumonia Virus Nucleic Acid Detection System, online comparison, deduplication, and completion of confirmed cases and death cases of New Coronary Pneumonia; offline collection of all data related to epidemic sites, including fever, according to full coverage and no omission requirements Outpatient clinics, hospitals, shelters, isolation points, epidemic-affected communities, and special places such as prisons, pension institutions and other jurisdictions under the jurisdiction of public security, judicial, civil affairs and other departments, collect all personal information of all cases through medical institutions, street communities, and grassroots police stations 3. The patient's unit and family members shall check and check each person to ensure that each case is accurate and each data is objective and true.

◆ The revised data statistics standard is an internationally accepted practice. The British government began counting deaths outside the hospital on April 29 and corrected the number of deaths accordingly. The Spanish government issued a communiqué on April 17, requiring all regions to unify accounting standards for reporting and will revise the published values.

Lie 13: China disseminates false news about the epidemic.

The truth: China 's information release is open and transparent, and some politicians, anti-Chinese scholars and media in the United States wantonly attacked and discredited China. China is a victim of false information.

◆ The Chinese government has informed the international community of the epidemic situation in an open, transparent and responsible manner, shared prevention and control experience and launched international cooperation, which has been highly recognized by the international community. As of May 8, President Xi Jinping attended the G20 Leaders 'Special Summit on New Coronary Pneumonia, and made 49 phone calls with leaders of 39 countries and heads of international organizations; Premier Li Keqiang and leaders of 11 countries and international organizations 13 times Talk on the phone and attend the special meeting of leaders of ASEAN and China, Japan, and South Korea (10 + 3) to fight against the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Situation All parties highly appreciate China's openness to share beneficial experience in epidemic prevention and control with the world, and affirm that China has made important contributions to international anti-epidemic cooperation.

◆ On April 27, the editor of "The Lancet" Horton said in an interview with CNN Online that when China learned of the new crown virus information, it immediately notified WHO on December 31, 2019. We should thank the Chinese government and the WHO! Because they have warned the international community as much as possible about the seriousness of this global pandemic.

◆ The 74th UN General Assembly Chairman Mohammed-Bandy said in Ethiopia at the 33rd AU Summit that the Chinese agency in the United Nations reported the details of the epidemic situation to the United Nations. Knowing the epidemic situation in China is conducive to multilateral cooperation to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

◆ On April 20, an independent news website "Grey Zone" published an article exposing the entire process of the distribution of false information between American conservative journalists and the government: "Washington Post" reporter Luo Jin has repeatedly fabricated fake news. It seems to be a non-contextual interpretation of the telegram of the US Embassy in China, the fictional anti-Chinese elements as "scientists", and the creation of "breaking news" articles full of loopholes. On the evening of the 15th, Republican Senator Coton issued a conspiracy theory, saying that the Chinese government was responsible for all losses caused by the epidemic. On the 17th, US Secretary of State Pompeo "brought the conspiracy theory to the global stage" and asked China to allow experts to enter the Wuhan Virus Research Institute for investigation.


Myth 14: The Chinese political system is the source of the problem.

The truth: Viruses do not distinguish between ideology and social system. The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have played a decisive and crucial role in leading the Chinese people to overcome the epidemic. China 's political system has effectively organized and mobilized 1.4 billion people in China 's vast territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, overcomes the difficulties faced by developing countries, unites all forces, pools all resources, and provides a strong political guarantee to overcome the epidemic. . Facts have proved that the social system and development path chosen by the Chinese people are in line with China's national conditions, and the Communist Party of China has won firm and broad support from the people. China also has no intention of exporting its own political system.

◆ On January 23, 2020, Wuhan Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters announced the temporary closure of the Lihan Channel. Two days later, China's 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities initiated a first-level response. Since January 24, more than 330 medical teams and 42,000 medical personnel have been sent to Hubei to join the fight against the epidemic. On January 25, the three medical teams of the PLA flew to Wuhan from Shanghai, Chongqing and Xi'an overnight. Nineteen provinces across the country are supporting 16 cities and prefectures in addition to Wuhan in Hubei Province. The country's key medical supplies and life support materials are constantly flowing to the front line of anti-epidemic.

◆ China has concentrated its manpower and material resources to build the 1000-bed Vulcan Mountain Hospital in 10 days and the 1600-bed Raytheon Mountain Hospital in 15 days; 16 square cabin hospitals were built at an average rate of one and a half a day, providing more than 13,000 beds Hospital bed.

◆ In the early stage of the epidemic, China proposed the principles of "four early" (early detection, early report, early isolation, early treatment) and "four concentration" (concentration of patients, experts, resources, and treatment). Carry out the net-checking and carpet-type investigations and carry out grid management to ensure that all inspections should be carried out, every inspection should be carried out, every inspection should be done, and every inspection should be done.

◆ More than 44,500 grass-roots party members and cadres and workers in Wuhan have sunk to 13,800 "grids", building a tight line of defense against the epidemic. The nationwide implementation of the "social distance" approach has received positive response and strict implementation from the people, effectively reducing the spread of the epidemic.

◆ The international community highly praises China's anti-epidemic measures. On January 28, when WHO Director-General Tan Desai visited China and met with President Xi Jinping, he said that China 's speed of action and scale are rare in the world, showing China 's speed, scale and efficiency. The relevant experience is worth other. National reference. On February 8th, UN Secretary General Guterres praised at a news conference held at the headquarters of the African Union that China had made "great" efforts to curb the spread of new coronaviruses.

◆ On February 24, Elward, senior adviser to the WHO Director-General, said at the press conference of the China-WHO New Coronary Pneumonia Joint Expert Investigation Group that China has adopted the most ambitious, keen and strictest defenses ever Control measures have changed the direction of the epidemic. The Chinese method is currently the only method that has proved to be successful.

◆ On May 6, the Singaporean polling agency "Black Box Research" released a report, which conducted an online survey of 12.5 million people in 23 economies around the world with Toluna, an international consumer survey agency. The survey uses four key indicators (political leadership, corporate leadership, community, and media) to assess the satisfaction of local people with the governments 'anti-epidemic measures in each economy. The survey results show that China 's overall score ranks first with 85 points, and 85% of mainland Chinese respondents believe that China will become stronger after the crisis.


Lie 15: China expels American journalists to hide the epidemic.

Fact: The Chinese measures are a counter-measure against the US side's long-term suppression of Chinese media agencies in the United States, especially the recent expulsion of 60 Chinese journalists. China releases information in a timely manner in an open, transparent and responsible manner.

◆ The political suppression of Chinese media agencies in the United States continues to escalate. In December 2018, the US Department of Justice registered China International Television (CGTN) North America as a "foreign agent." On February 18, 2020, the U.S. State Department announced that five Chinese media agencies in the United States, including Xinhua News Agency, would be placed under the jurisdiction of "foreign missions."

◆ The US side adopts a discriminatory policy on entry visas for Chinese journalists, and only allows Chinese journalists to enter the United States for a single entry. Since 2018, more than 30 Chinese journalists have been indefinitely delayed or even refused to sign by the US.

◆ On March 2, 2020, the US State Department announced that from March 13, it would reduce 40% of the Chinese employees of the five Chinese media agencies in the United States under the management of "foreign missions", and actually expelled 60 people in disguise Chinese correspondent in the United States.

◆ Since the outbreak, the Chinese side has maintained an open, transparent and responsible attitude, and publishes outbreak data on the Internet every day. Foreign journalists in China can attend the regular press conference organized by the Joint Defense and Joint Control Mechanism of the State Council, the Information Office of the State Council, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs every working day to ask questions about any issues related to the epidemic. Chinese state organs, local provinces and cities, experts and scholars have been interviewed by the media many times. A large number of foreign journalists stationed in China interviewed in Wuhan and published a large number of first-hand reports. The outside world's access to China's epidemic information has not been affected in any way.

◆ China always welcomes media and journalists from all countries to engage in reporting work in China according to law and regulations, and will continue to provide convenience and assistance. China opposes ideological prejudice against China. It opposes the so-called press freedom to falsify fake news. It opposes acts that violate the professional ethics of journalism.

Lie 16: China controls the World Health Organization and uses money to woo WHO.

The truth: China firmly supports multilateralism. For a long time, China has maintained good communication and cooperation with WHO, but China has never manipulated WHO. As the largest source of funding for WHO, the United States suspended funding to WHO, which was unanimously opposed by the international community.

◆ WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for public health and safety. It has 194 member states. Of the 21-person WHO headquarters leadership team, 11 are from the United States, the European Union, Canada, and Australia, and only one Chinese member. They are all professionally trained or practicing doctors, epidemiologists, rescuers and public health experts. https://www.who.int/dg/who-headquarters-leadership-team

◆ From 2018 to 2019, the amount of China's membership dues in WHO ranked third, second only to the United States and Japan. According to official WHO information, membership fees currently account for less than a quarter of the organization 's funding sources, and the remaining funds come from voluntary donations. If these two sources of funds are integrated, China is the ninth largest contributor. If enterprises and non-governmental organizations are included in the calculation, China ranks lower.

Myth 17: As early as December 31, 2019, Taiwan issued a warning to WHO about the human-to-human transmission of the new coronary pneumonia, but it was not taken seriously.

Fact: The Taiwan region of China did not issue a warning to WHO, but instead sought additional information from the WHO after the Wuhan Health Commission issued an epidemic report.

◆ Wuhan City issued a circular on the outbreak of unexplained pneumonia on December 31, 2019. Taiwan 's health department sent a letter to the National Health and Welfare Committee to understand the information released by the Wuhan Health and Health Committee. A written reply was promptly given. On the same day, Taiwan's health department sent a so-called "warning" email to WHO. The email did not mention "person-to-person", mainly to get information from WHO. The facts are very clear. The mainland first released the information and the Taiwan health department made a retell. There is no such thing as the so-called Taiwan first reporting to the WHO.

◆ WHO has clarified many times that the Taiwan region of China did not "warn" it, but only raised hope to learn more. Long before the mail was sent in Taiwan, WHO had received a number of other requests for epidemic information notification. On April 20, the WHO again clarified this clearly at a press conference. The first case of new coronary pneumonia was diagnosed in Taiwan, China, until January 21. Prior to this, Taiwan did not have information on clinical cases of the epidemic, and it was even more impossible to "draw conclusions from person to person."

Lie 18: China prevents Taiwan from joining the WHO and jeopardizes the health of Taiwanese.

The truth: Taiwan, as part of China, has no right to participate in the WHO that only sovereign states can join. The channels of technical cooperation between Taiwan and WHO in China are always open.

◆ WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations composed of sovereign states. Only members of the United Nations are eligible to join. Taiwan, as a part of China, has no right to join.

◆ When China joined the International Health Regulations, it stated that the Regulations apply to the entire territory of the People's Republic of China, including Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province.

◆ According to the consensus reached between the Chinese government and WHO, the WHO International Health Regulations Contact Point has been established in Taiwan, China, and has an account logged in to the WHO event information website to obtain timely access to the global emergencies released by WHO. Information on public health events. There is no obstacle to the technical cooperation between Taiwan and China and WHO. From the beginning of 2019 to the beginning of May 2020, 16 groups of 24 experts from Taiwan participated in the technical conference organized by WHO.

◆ After the outbreak, the Chinese National Health and Welfare Commission promptly notified the Taiwan area of ​​the outbreak information. As of May 6, the mainland has notified the Taiwan side of the epidemic information 148 times. In mid-January, the mainland arranged for Taiwan experts to visit Wuhan for field visits to understand the diagnosis, treatment and epidemic situation of patients diagnosed with new coronavirus pneumonia.

Lie 19: China is responsible for the global pandemic of the New Coronary Pneumonia virus. To investigate China, it should prosecute China and pursue claims against China.

Facts: There is no legal basis for demanding China to be responsible for the epidemic and compensation. In essence, it is a method used by some American politicians to blame the domestic politics.

◆ The epidemic is a natural disaster, not a human disaster. Like other countries, China is a victim, not a perpetrator.

◆ A sudden large-scale epidemic is a public health event in the world, and there is no such thing as the "national responsibility" of the so-called outbreak country. In the 1980s, AIDS was first discovered in the United States and spread to the whole world. The international community never asked the United States to bear compensation.

◆ The United States has no legal basis to require China to bear compensation for the epidemic. According to international law, the generation of state responsibility requires that the responsible state commits an act that violates international law and has a causal relationship with the loss of the injured state. China 's anti-epidemic and anti-epidemic actions have not violated any international law, and there is no causal relationship with the losses that the United States may suffer due to large-scale outbreaks. The so-called US investigation into China is presumed guilty.

◆ There is no bilateral treaty or agreement on public health and emergencies between China and the United States, so there is no breach of contract involving bilateral treaty obligations. Although according to the relevant provisions of the International Health Regulations, the contracting states are only obliged to notify WHO of the epidemic situation, China has promptly and continuously notified the United States. The United States was first informed of China's epidemic information and has been continuously updated. In the face of the epidemic, China has always released information and notified WHO in an open, transparent and responsible manner, adopted the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures, and seriously implemented the provisions of the International Health Regulations Duties and responsibilities.

◆ The so-called lawsuits in the United States are purely malicious indiscriminate complaints, which not only have no factual basis, but also violate basic legal principles. According to the principle of sovereign equality in international law, sovereign actions taken by Chinese governments at all levels in the prevention and control of epidemics are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US courts. Such abuses are not conducive to epidemic prevention and control in the United States, and also run counter to the current international anti-epidemic cooperation.

◆ On May 4, the top academic journal "Nature" magazine published the research of the scientific research team of China, Britain and the United States. The study found through modeling that the three major non-pharmaceutical interventions used in China (intercity travel restrictions, early identification and isolation, exposure restrictions and social alienation) not only curbed the development of the new crown epidemic in China, but also won a time window for the world . The study pointed out that if a strong non-pharmaceutical intervention "combination boxing" is not implemented, the number of new crown cases in China may increase by 67 times to more than 7 million people.

Myth 20: China hoards protective materials, uses the epidemic situation to make huge profits, and increases the export inspection of epidemic prevention materials, restricting the export of materials, especially the export of ventilators, resulting in insufficient US material reserves.

Facts: Although China's own epidemic prevention tasks are still arduous, China is still able to provide anti-epidemic medical supplies to other countries.

◆ The Chinese government and private sector have provided or are providing many urgently needed medical supplies to more than 150 countries and international organizations. The Chinese side has also taken advantage of its production capacity and opened the medical supplies market and export channels in a timely manner.

◆ According to statistics from the Ministry of Commerce, from March 1 to May 6, China has exported anti-epidemic materials to 194 countries and regions through market-based procurement. Among them, 77 national and regional governments and 6 international organizations signed 216 batches of medical supplies commercial procurement contracts with me through official channels; 71 national and regional governments and 8 international organizations are conducting 128 batches of commercial procurement negotiations with our enterprises .

◆ According to statistics from China Customs, from March 1 to April 30, the country exported a total of 71.2 billion yuan of major anti-epidemic materials. Including: 27.8 billion masks, 130 million protective clothing, 73.41 million new coronavirus detection kits, 12.57 million infrared thermometers, 49,100 ventilators, 124,000 patient monitors, 43.63 million pairs of goggles , 854 million pairs of surgical gloves.

◆ According to Chinese customs statistics, from March 1 to May 5, China provided more than 6.6 billion masks, 344 million pairs of surgical gloves, 44.09 million sets of protective clothing, 6.75 million pairs of goggles, and nearly 7,500 ventilators to the United States.

◆ According to incomplete statistics, as of May 6, China's local provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, relevant agencies and enterprises have donated more than 9.6 million masks, 500,000 boxes of testing reagents, and 305,900 pairs of medical supplies to 30 states and 55 cities in the United States. And other medical supplies such as gloves and 135,500 pairs of goggles.

◆ China does not restrict the export of medical supplies. China issued the "Announcement on Further Strengthening the Quality Supervision of Epidemic Prevention Materials" and other policy measures, not to restrict exports, but to further strengthen the quality control of epidemic prevention materials and regulate the export order.

◆ China's invasive ventilator production capacity is limited, and some spare parts are from abroad and are in short supply. Enterprises are negotiating with importers in a market-oriented manner. The Chinese government has never restricted its exports.

Myth 21: China's foreign aid for anti-epidemic is "aid politics" and "political propaganda".

The truth: China 's foreign aid for the fight against epidemic disease is a confession to the relevant countries to support China 's fight against epidemic disease, and it is also a practical way to practice the concept of a community of human destiny.

◆ China widely shares prevention and control experience, provides medical protection materials to the outside world, and actively dispatches medical teams. As of early May, through the opening of an epidemic prevention and control online knowledge center, the 7th edition of the diagnosis and treatment plan and the 6th edition of the prevention and control plan were published. Set up 2 billion yuan of special funds for anti-epidemic cooperation, and held more than 120 video exchange meetings with more than 160 countries and international organizations. Provided medical material assistance to more than 150 countries and international organizations, and sent 21 medical expert groups to 19 countries. China and Europe established a joint expert group, and China and South Korea established a joint defense and joint control cooperation mechanism. Provide USD 50 million cash donation to WHO. Actively responding to the G20 "Deferred Debt Repayment Initiative for the Poorest Countries" and agreeing to postpone the debt repayment of principal and interest of 77 related developing countries due from May 1 to the end of this year. The international community generally appreciates China's support and support, and believes that China's actions reflect the help of suffering and mutual help, and further highlight the importance of building a community of shared future for mankind.

Lie 22: China intervenes in the US election and tries to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

The truth: China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in its internal affairs because some politicians in the United States have used attacking China as their campaign strategy.

◆ China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace and always adheres to the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs. The US election is an internal US affair. China has no interest and has never intervened.

◆ The United States' "Political News" revealed that the Republican Senate National Committee sent a 57-page memo to all parties in the party to encourage Republican candidates to actively attack China to respond to the crisis. The memorandum gives three main lines of attack: one is to criticize China for covering up the epidemic; the second is to accuse the Democratic Party 's opponents of their weak stance on China; The memorandum also stated that China will be the central issue of the 2020 US election. This shows that stolen and attacking China has become the "whole government strategy" of the Republican election.


Myth 23: China has recently requested that export enterprises such as export masks, test kits, ventilators, and other materials must provide a declaration to the customs, indicating that China in disguise prohibits the export of epidemic prevention supplies.

The truth: The Chinese approach aims to strengthen quality supervision.

◆ The production and supply of epidemic prevention products are related to the safety of people in countries and regions affected by the epidemic situation, and the quality must be strictly controlled.

◆ The Chinese government attaches great importance to the quality and safety of anti-epidemic materials. Relevant departments have stepped up joint rectification efforts and adopted a series of measures to strengthen the quality control of export anti-epidemic materials and regulate the export order. China severely cracked down on counterfeit, shoddy and untrustworthy violations in accordance with law, earnestly guaranteed the quality and safety of exported epidemic prevention materials, and better supported global epidemic prevention and control.

◆ Since the implementation of the relevant measures, the effect has been obvious and the international community has made positive comments. China does not and will not restrict the export of anti-epidemic materials. It is understood that China Customs has taken active measures to speed up customs clearance and further improve the level of convenience under the premise of ensuring the export quality of anti-epidemic materials.

Myth 24: Guangdong, China, has adopted a "discriminatory" approach to African citizens.

The truth: China 's prevention and control measures adhere to the principle of non-discrimination between China and foreign countries, and a zero-tolerance attitude towards discriminatory words and deeds.

◆ The Chinese side overcomes difficulties and gives care and protection to all African personnel in China, especially international students. More than 3,000 foreign students in Hubei and Wuhan in Africa are safe except for one person who was infected and quickly cured.

◆ As of April 13, Guangzhou has accumulatively reported 26 confirmed cases of imported foreigners, including 19 Africans. The Chinese side has strengthened prevention and control testing. The targets include Chinese citizens and all foreigners. They do not target specific nationalities and races. The purpose is to maintain health and safety and people 's health. Regarding the lack of individual communication and misunderstandings in this process, the relevant departments maintain close communication with government officials of relevant African countries and deal with them quickly and properly. The head of the African countries consulate in Guangzhou said on April 18 that Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City have taken a number of measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of African countries in Guangdong.

◆ The Chairman of the African Union Commission Faki said on April 13 that African countries and China are both friends and comrades-in-law and are closely linked to each other's destiny. China will never adopt discriminatory practices. The envoys of some African countries in China stated that the friendship between Africa and China is profound and has withstood the test of ups and downs. No outside force can stop the development of friendly relations between Africa and China.

◆ According to the BBC report on April 17, a video of Kenyan couples who had been discriminated on the streets of Wuhan because of the epidemic was beaten. It was later confirmed that they were filmed on the streets of New York.

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