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Cai Qi Meets with Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Manet
2023-10-17 22:05

On October 17, 2023, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee Cai Qi met with Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Manet in Beijing.

Cai Qi said that this year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Cambodia and the Year of China-Cambodia Friendship. Last month, President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Hun Manet, and reached important common understandings on carrying forward long-standing friendship and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation. Cai Qi expressed the belief that under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the building of a China-Cambodia community with a shared future will surely make new positive progress constantly. China firmly supports Cambodia in following a development path suited to its own national conditions, and stands ready to work with Cambodia to promote the alignment between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Pentagon Strategy of Cambodia, substantiate the connotation of the "diamond hexagon" cooperation framework, realize high-quality and sustainable development of the two countries, and join hands for modernization.

Hun Manet said that Cambodia is firmly committed to friendliness towards China, and firmly supports the three major global initiatives and the Belt and Road Initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping. Cambodia abides by the one-China principle, and stands ready to work together with China to build well a Cambodia-China community with a shared future.

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