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Chinese Ambassador to Croatia Qi Qianjin Meets with Radovan Fuchs, Croatian Minister of Science, Technology and Education
2022-06-28 22:55

On June 27th, Chinese Ambassador to Croatia Qi Qianjin met with Croatian Minister of Science, Technology, and Education Radovan Fuchs. Mr. Du Heting, Counselor of Science and Technology, and Mr. Meng Weiliang, Commissioner of Education, both from the Chinese Embassy, attended the meeting.

Ambassador Qi said that both China and Croatia attach great importance to scientific and technological innovation, higher education, and personnel training. In recent years, the two sides had achieved fruitful results in the fields of scientific and technological cultural exchanges, research and development cooperation, international student training, and Chinese language teaching. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Croatia. In the congratulatory message, the two heads of state had agreed to deepen political mutual trust, expand practical cooperation, and lead the bilateral relations to achieve greater development. Ambassador Qi expressed the Chinese willingness to work with the Croatian side to continue to tap the potential for cooperation and promote the collaboration between the two countries in the field of science and education to achieve even greater development.

Minister Fuchs said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations 30 years ago, Croatia-China relations had developed steadily, especially in the fields of science, technology, and education, which had maintained good communication and coordination for a long time. Relevant Croatian institutions and personnel had achieved remarkable results in exchanges and cooperation with China. Minister Fuchs said the Croatian side was willing to make joint efforts with the Chinese side to maintain the good momentum of bilateral cooperation in the fields of science and education so that the results could be of greater benefit to the two countries and the two peoples.

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